Church Ministries
The Connexional Council at its November 2004 meeting in Belize City, Belize, confirmed the agreement that efforts would be put in place to have an established connexional umbrella organization for men, similar and parallel to the MCCA Women. This effort formed part of the Connexional Conference's vision for there to be three (3) Connexional umbrella organizations - one each for Men, Women and Youth.
The existence of an MCCA Men's organization will therefore provide to recognized entities, internal and external to the church, reliable opportunities for linkages through which appropriate resources may be accessed for training and development of the male members of the MCCA. Such entities would include, but not be limited to church based organizations like: The World Federation of United and Methodist Men and The United Methodist Men.
MCCA Women
All female members of the MCCA are members of MCCA Women. MCCA Women is the umbrella organisation for all women’s groups and organisations in the MCCA. At the Connexional level the interests of all women’s organisation and all women in the MCCA is represented through the MCCA Women. MCCA Women is a constituent part of the MCCA and aims to enable women of the MCCA to deepen their personal commitment to Jesus and to foster fellowship among the women of the Conference Area.
An assembly of all MCCA women is held very five years. The first assembly was held in 1980 at Codrington College in Barbados.
Through the MCCA Women, the women of the MCCA are represented on the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW), which is an affiliated organisation of the World Methodist Council. The MCCA Women, is therefore a part of the North America Area of the WFMUCW. The WFMUFCW brings together the women’s groupings from Methodist Churches and Churches from the Wesleyan tradition from around the world.
The fourth Lord’s Day (Sunday) in June every year is celebrated as MCCA Women’s Lord’s Day.
MCCA Youth
Like MCCA Women and MCCA Men, the umbrella organisation for all youth groups, youth fellowships, youth choirs, and other youth organisations, is MCCA Youth. Through this organisation the voice of the youth of the Church has a place at all levels of the Church's administration.
Every four (4) years the youth of the MCCA gather for the Youth Encuentro. This first occurred in Barbados in 1998 when approximately 500 young people from every District in the MCCA gathered for a time of worship, training, reflection, education and fellowship.
Church School
Education is a lifelong process, beginning at birth and ending with the grave. The ministry of the Church School is to guide the Christian education of persons from childhood and into the adult years. The aim is not simply to offer information but using the Bible as the basis of instruction to enable the transformation of lives through education. In the MCCA what was once called "Sunday Schools" are now called Church Schools; they should cater to the needs of not only children and young people, but to all members of the Church irrespective of age.
The Church School is the cradle of the Church as it is here that the intentional Christian formation of individuals will occur in the Church. Each Church School is the responsibility of a Congregation, and the Congregation will see to ensuring that the Church School has the resources to carry out its responsibility. The ministry of the Church School is vitally important to the life, work and growth of the Church.